Thirteen weeks might sound like quite a bit of time to train for a half marathon, but with the added challenge of simultaneously trying to raise money for galactosemia research, we figured we could use all of the extra time we can afford.

First *official* long run of training was yesterday (July 16, 2017)
In an effort to raise awareness and dedicated galactosemia research funds for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, I have again signed up for a half marathon and we are asking for the support of our friends and family as part of Team CHOP. We have more than doubled our goal from 2016 and are aiming to raise $2,500 in 2017!
This year, I will be running the Hershey Half Marathon on Oct. 15. If you are able to contribute to this cause so near and dear to our hearts, we would be forever grateful. Whether you are looking for a use for the spare change in your couch cushions or you have a larger amount in mind, no donation is too small! Every little bit will help propel us over the goal line and we know we will not be able to get there without all of your love and support.
Please visit our donor page HERE or click on the “Make a Donation” on the right side of this page.
Check back here for updates on my training progress (spoiler alert: the key to my success is a lot of four-letter words) and for updates on fundraising progress. If you have any questions at all, please let us know!